Thursday, June 4, 2009

Movie Review 5/29/09

Up release date 5/29/09
Stars - Voices of Ed Asner, Christopher Plummer
Director - Peter Docter
Studio - Pixar, Disney

a comedy adventure about 78-year-old balloon salesman Carl Fredricksen, who finally fulfills his lifelong dream of a great adventure when he ties thousands of balloons to his house and flies away to the wilds of South America. But he discovers all too late that his biggest nightmare has stowed away on the trip: an overly optimistic 8-year-old Wilderness Explorer named Russel. Released in Digital 3-D

Disney delivers yet another heart felt and funny animated motion picture but this one has what the other did not have, a true artistry and passion that rarely is ever seen in a motion picture and never seen in animation. The first introduction of Carl Fredrickson and his wife through a montage of their life together is some of the most beautiful and warming scenes ever seen on screen. It tugged at your heart with a emotional tug of war and when it was over you felt like a better person than when it began. Sure this movie was funny and exciting like every Disney movie is but the true emotional nature of this movie is what lifted it up over the rest. This is the best animated movie I have ever seen and could be up there with one of the best movie I have ever seen. The digital 3_D made it visually stunning and a joy to watch not using the 3-D with worthless scenes to have things jump out at you but to just enhance the pure beauty. The relationship with Carl and the young wilderness explorer Russel was well developed and never rushed. This movie flowed beautifully and left you with tears of joy making you want to go out and experience life before it is to late. Whether it is exploring the world or sitting next to the one you love enjoying every second of their company.

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